Magnolia Remodel: Behind the Scenes

Loyal Magnolia fans, do not be deterred by the boarded up storefront at the corner of West Dravus and 17th Avenue West! This location is very much open and everything is humming along as usual.
So much has changed here since breaking ground earlier this summer. The management team has grown with the addition of General Manager Molly Wakenshaw, who earned her slice bar chops at our Madison location, and promotion of two shift leaders - Destini Cole and Jianna Newkirk. This team is so solid that if you stepped inside the thimble-sized entryway on a Friday night, you would never know they are working a mad rush in the middle of a construction zone.
The physical building is taking shape behind the veil of plywood and scaffolding too. The tiny dining room that once held a couple of tables and handful of chairs is now quite spacious (though, not yet dine-able), and an outdoor seating area has been added. Floor to ceiling windows that wrap around the building’s perimeter let lots of light in even on cloudy days.
By the end of the month, we’ll be putting the finishing touches on this location and christening the new pizza-by-the-slice bar with an inaugural celebration. Expect free slices of pizza, live music and a ribbon cutting with a Seattle VIP! In the meantime, click here to what’s happing behind the scenes.