
Timber vs. Capitol Hill Block Party: Outdoor Concert Guide

Slather on your sunscreen and grab your shades, festival season is finally here! This summer, we’re stoked to support Timber! Outdoor Music Festival and Capitol Hill Block Party; both equally great outdoor music events happening the weekend of July 26. To help you decide which festival to attend – although, we recommend splitting your time between the two to maximize your fun - we created a handy guide.

Whether you're combining your love of music and nature or taking in the music scene during the city's biggest block party, you really can't go wrong. Those wishing to attend Timber! Outdoor Music Festival can use the coupon code PAGLIACCI to receive $10 off admission. If you’re headed to Capitol Hill Block Party, be sure to stop by our booth for pizza. We will be serving slices all weekend!

Publish Date: July 10, 2014